“Summer mayhem!” 13 year old Hannah Heart has been preforming sex acts in front of a male teacher

*warning this post has some sensitive material if you are offended please do not continue to read thank you*

A child by the name of Hannah Heart, 13, has been seen doing sexual acts in a school in Lytham to a male teacher in a science lesson in front of the whole class just before lunch on the last day of term.

Hannah was seen masturbating herself in front of the teacher and also moaning his real name. A few minutes later she lifted up her school skirt and took down her underwear which is highly inappropriate behaviour for a 13 year old.

The teacher proceeded to call the headteacher on the “patrol radio” and asked the teen to stop what she was doing.

She ignored the instructions and carried on causing more concern. The students felt very uncomfortable especially the girls. The headteacher came into the classroom and told her to stop but she ignored him which is when she got sent home to her parents and her pastor manager got told. It is said she “liked” this teacher and wanted to “show him how much she loved him”

She got shouted at by her parents and her pastor manager and is now on a child protection plan undergoing “how to keep yourself safe”. Thanks to the help of social care we hope Hannah returns back to us with “safe” actions this Summer.

We know Hannah shouldn’t have done this and we hope she has learnt her lesson.


One thought on ““Summer mayhem!” 13 year old Hannah Heart has been preforming sex acts in front of a male teacher”

  1. That’s disgusting i have had lots of crushes on teachers but I don’t go out of my way to do sexual acts for them.


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