
“Strange, weird, and revolting!” says The Telegraph

Two students by the name of Tamling Tampon and Declan Fartsniff have been stirring problems up at her local school which cannot be named due to privacy concerns.

Police are on the scene of a 15 year old Tamling Tampon, and Declan Fartsniff also 15, who has been seeing masturbating to a popular game in which you must make an account and buy clothes for your character with “robux”. This “internet sensation” game name is called Roblox.com and they were doing something very inappropriate while watching this porn by a teacher who does not want to be named during a history lesson.

“It looked like they were doing nothing at first. you know just looking at research for London Tower since they had an exam coming up about London Tower. Then when I turned my back to see if they had finished with researching they were at it! I was totally disgusted and I actually hope they get a red detention. That was totally uncalled for! I did not want to see that.”

This is where social services had to be involved and the two students are now getting lectured on how to be safe on the internet and what you should view online and what you shouldn’t.


WARNING RAPIST : Another Lytham rapist is back in town

A 13 year old boy by the name of Matthew Rasario has been confirmed that he has been raping 12-13 year old girls in the bathroom or changing rooms in Lytham high. It has come to the social workers’ attention that the 13 year old girl even got pregnant with his baby after she was raped. Her statement was “I hated every moment of it. Evey second he put it inside of me, it felt like hell. He pulled my hair back so hard it hurt so much, but what really hurt was when he shoved it inside of me.” Matthew is now being interrogated by the police department and the court will decide his punishment for this horrible crime.

“Watch out!”Warning all Lytham students : Rapist Bella Detavernier strikes again after 2nd time


Reports have shown that a 14 year old student by the name of Boola Deetvernier has been raping young boys in bathroom stalls during lesson. Teachers from Bella’s classes have confirmed that she was missing during lesson at the time the rapes were taken place. A child by that doesn’t want to be named has come to us that he was raped at lunch time while he was standing at a urinal. It has been said that she was expelled from school. But that did not stop Bella in her tracks. She has found her way onto school grounds. we have called the police about this but they still haven’t found any trace to were she lives but the police will continue to stay aware. Please look out and please be careful on your way to school and please have caution during school hours.

“Summer mayhem!” 13 year old Hannah Heart has been preforming sex acts in front of a male teacher

*warning this post has some sensitive material if you are offended please do not continue to read thank you*

A child by the name of Hannah Heart, 13, has been seen doing sexual acts in a school in Lytham to a male teacher in a science lesson in front of the whole class just before lunch on the last day of term.

Hannah was seen masturbating herself in front of the teacher and also moaning his real name. A few minutes later she lifted up her school skirt and took down her underwear which is highly inappropriate behaviour for a 13 year old.

The teacher proceeded to call the headteacher on the “patrol radio” and asked the teen to stop what she was doing.

She ignored the instructions and carried on causing more concern. The students felt very uncomfortable especially the girls. The headteacher came into the classroom and told her to stop but she ignored him which is when she got sent home to her parents and her pastor manager got told. It is said she “liked” this teacher and wanted to “show him how much she loved him”

She got shouted at by her parents and her pastor manager and is now on a child protection plan undergoing “how to keep yourself safe”. Thanks to the help of social care we hope Hannah returns back to us with “safe” actions this Summer.

We know Hannah shouldn’t have done this and we hope she has learnt her lesson.


Teenage schoolgirl has foot mutations

A local schoolgirl 15, has a severe case of a mutation in her left foot. Her name is Rocking Rainbow and the school she is at cannot be named due to privacy concerns.

Rocking gets severe pain when she walks on her left foot because the toes are not properly straight when she was born as a baby. Doctors have tried to fix her toes but could not without breaking them instantly.

We hope to get diagnosis for Rocking but right now she is currently in the hospital undergoing treatment for the pain. Her parents had this to say. “She was fine when she was playing her favourite game Roblox. Suddenly she had a severe cramp in her leg. We thought it was probably from too much time sitting up but then we realised it wasn’t. She had it for more than a month and we don’t know what caused it!”


Is this a beast? Is this a fox?

A “beast” has been spotted roaming through Green Drive near thick woodland at a beauty spot. This beast has been causing terror to students in the area as well as residents. A local schoolgirl, 15 from Lytham High Technology and Preforming Arts College, has said she was walking to the Spar, a local convenience store, at Whalley Place. When she seen a huge “panther shaped” and “disoriented” looking creature. She describes it as wearing glasses and skinny feet. She has told our press today that she could not believe what she was seeing so she ran away to the park also located on Whalley Place. She called her parents to pick her up.